December 2024

clear glass ball on red sand

Music Industry Predictions For 2025 According To Bob Lefsetz

Renowned music industry analyst Bob Lefsetz recently published a post in his blog The Lefsetz Letter about his predictions for the music industry for 2025. You can find the original blog post here but below is my summary of Bob’s predictions… Music Industry Trends and Observations: Artist Dynamics: Touring and Live Performance: Industry and Media […]


How artists can use voice notes to build deeper connections with fans

Voice notes are transforming how artists engage with their audiences, offering a personalized and emotionally resonant communication method. This growing trend has been observed across generations, with 84% of Gen Z, 63% of millennials, 56% of Gen X, and 47% of baby boomers using voice notes regularly. Unlike text, voice notes convey tone, emotion, and […]


A complete guide to Instagram analytics (Insights) for artists

Social media platforms offer artists a host of insights for free. Here’s how to understand your Instagram analytics and grow your audience. The article provides a comprehensive guide for musicians and independent artists on how to leverage Instagram analytics to grow their audience, boost engagement, and refine their content strategy. It emphasizes the importance of […]